Friday, March 9, 2012

Three is a Magic Number

I decided to name my blog "Three is a Magic Number" for several reasons (3 to be exact)...

First, I grew up with School House Rock videos showing on television between Saturday morning cartoons. I think I knew how a bill became a law and what the function of a conjunction was long before I could even talk. However, my favorite School House Rock video of all time was "Three is a Magic Number". As a side note, my totally amazing 13 year old son just showed me how to insert that link.

Second, I just so happen to teach 3rd grade and I love it! I don't consider what I do every day a job, it is more of a passion. I couldn't imagine spending my days anywhere else.

Lastly, I wear three distinct hats in my life and I am sure I will post about them all. I am first and foremost the mother of four amazing kids. However, I am also a teacher by day and a crafter with my own internet business by night and on the weekends. I know that seems like a lot but I like to keep very busy and I have a very happy life.

So, that is me in a nutshell. I am looking forward to this new blogging adventure and I hope to meet some great people and share some wonderful teaching ideas. One last thing, I LOVE to collect quotes and I try to use them to inspire me in my life, so I wanted to share my first one with you as I start...

"Leap and the net will appear."


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